Flavors of the Philippines is here again!
EDITED and PROOFREAD. Press Release. Published in Byahilo.com and various print and online dailies. http://byahilo.com/index.php/2017/03/...

Giant paella heralds Flavors of the Philippines
Press Release. Published in Byahilo.com and various print and online dailies. http://byahilo.com/index.php/2017/03/23/giant-paella-heral...

List of malls and their events for Flavors of the Philippines 2017
EDITED. Press Release. Published in Byahilo.com and various print and online dailies. http://byahilo.com/index.php/2017/04/17/list-of-mal...

Bad lifestyle habits increase colon cancer incidence in PHL
LIFESTYLE CHANGE. Experts from the Philippine Society of Gastroenterology explained that colorectal cancer is a preventable disease...